What we ate on the big island of Hawaii

What we ate on the big island of Hawaii

Have you been to Hawaii? Daniel and I have just got back from a two-week get away trip on the big island of Hawaii. We fell in love with the big island the minute we arrived there and it felt like we were living in 

Plant-based highlights in Altanta

Plant-based highlights in Altanta

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!!! Daniel and I certainly did enjoy our stay with family members and good friends during our visit in Atlanta. We finally spent some quality time celebrating the holiday with his side of 

What we ate in Nanjing, China

What we ate in Nanjing, China

We are back from Nanjing!!! You may thought I disappeared from my blog after so long right? lol, it just has been so busy in the past couple weeks, visiting family and friends . In addition, we had to adjust to jet lag from our 

How to stay whole food plant-based and eco-friendly when traveling

How to stay whole food plant-based and eco-friendly when traveling

Usually, I would share one whole food plant based recipe every Wednesday. However, Daniel and I are going back to Atlanta tomorrow afternoon for his best friend’s wedding this weekend. So I was thinking maybe I will share tips on how to stay plant-based when