
Hi there!

I’m Wei. I have been living in the United Sates with my husband, Daniel, for almost four years now. We were introduced to the whole food plant based diet through our American friend four years ago back in China. At that time, we were not only introduced to the knowledge of whole food plant based diet through the book The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, but we were also introduced to how to cook delicious wholesome plant meals that nourish your body inside and out. I also earned the certificate in Plant-based nutrition through the T.Colin Campell Center for Nutrition Studies .

Through four years of adopting the whole food plant based lifestyle, I’ve seen dramatic changes in both my health and my husband’s. Family members who were against this idea before are now also embracing more whole plant foods in their diet.

I hope to share whole food plant based recipes through this blog to inspire you to eat more whole food plant meals in their unprocessed forms ( with no added oil, sugar and the minimum amount of sodium). I would also like to share this lifestyle to lighten our environmental footprint.

Mandala is a word from Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, which means ” sacred circle”. They are often drawn to represent the universe and serve a ritual purpose in many spiritual traditions. The circle represents the order and harmony of the universe. A whole food, plant-based diet brings us closer to nature and to mother Earth. It awakens our body, mind and soul to be in harmony with the universe.

Peace & Love
