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Home-made soy milk (養生豆漿)

Home-made soy milk (養生豆漿)

《本草綱目》 記載,豆漿,性平味甘,利水下氣,治諸風熱,解諸毒。春秋飲豆漿,滋陰潤燥,調和陰陽。夏飲豆漿,消熱防暑,生津解渴。冬飲豆漿,祛寒暖胃,滋養進補。 Out of curiosity, one of my friend asked me recently what my comfort food is in China. I paused for quite a while for not knowing which one I should choose. There are just so many comfort foods to me throughout different seasons! 

Pumpkin sauce(南瓜醬)

Pumpkin sauce(南瓜醬)

南瓜,一名麥瓜,味甘、平。性微寒,入脾胃二經,橫行經絡,分利小便- -《湞南本草》 The abundance of joyfulness is always within you! So look inward! I have really been slowing down lately to observe and enjoy the nature around me at this time of the year. An adjustment to the surroundings is the first step for me 

Summer cold noodle/Liangmian(涼麵)

Summer cold noodle/Liangmian(涼麵)

Summer is my favorite season of the year when growing up. Why? That’s is only time students get two entire months off. I usually finished our homework earlier during the summer vacation, and saved the rest of the leisure time travelling or playing with my 

Mango coconut rice pudding(芒果椰奶米露)

Mango coconut rice pudding(芒果椰奶米露)

“芒果” 能益胃氣,故能止嘔暈。– 《本草綱目拾遺》 “Mangoes can benefit the stomach Qi, making it able to treat vomiting and nausea.” –From a previously lost passage in the Compendium of Materia Medica Is there a kind of dessert you make especially in summer? I know I have lots of