Laba congee (臘八粥)

Laba congee (臘八粥)

《燕京歲時記· 臘八粥》:“ 臘八粥者,用黃米、白米、江米、小米、菱角米、慄子、紅江豆、去皮棗泥等,合水煮熟,外用染紅桃仁、杏仁、瓜子、花生、榛穰、松子,及白糖、紅糖、瑣瑣葡萄,以作點染。” “La Ba Congee is made with proso millet, white rice, sticky rice, foxtail millet, water caltrops, chestnuts, cowpeas and mashed peeled jujubes by boiling them until cooked, and then garnishing with walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, and then adding 

Fall blend congee

Fall blend congee

  Whole-plant, gluten-free, soy free, nut-free, refined sugar free.This warm fall blend porridge will nourish you throughout the day!  Words can’t really describe how much I love the fall season. Yellow and red tree leaves carpet the ground, and pumpkins pop up in a lot of 

Zucchini & Banana Bread

Zucchini & Banana Bread

It is the harvest time of the year for ZUCCHINIS!!! They are everywhere at the farmer’s market and come in different colors and shapes! Except the green and yellow zucchinis, I saw white UFO shape ones for the first time of my life! Isn’t that 

Banana bread oatmeal

Banana bread oatmeal

If you ask me what my favorite grain is, my answer will be oats!!! I can literally eat oats three meals a day and snack on them as well. That’s why I call myself a oat-a-holic!!! This nutritious grain is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals